Shipping Policy

For defective or damaged goods, non-arrivals, mistaken orders, or any other issues, please see our refund and returns policy.

For digital goods

Ebooks and audiobooks are delivered instantly via email using a service called BookFunnel. Please note: it is your responsibility to supply a correct email address at checkout. If there is a problem with delivery, then first of all check your spam folder. If you have received no email after an hour, please contact BookFunnel. If this does not resolve the issue, please get in touch. A physical address is requested for digital products solely for purposes of calculating our own tax liability (i.e. whether we need to register for tax in a certain state or country). So, please ensure this information is correct. We do not use physical or email address for the purposes of unsolicted contact or spam.

For print books

Print books are dispatched from the UK via a company called BookVault. Delivery times vary based on the shipping method chosen and your location. If your book does not arrive after a suitable period, please get in touch.

NOTE: for print books you are required to provide a complete and accurate delivery address and recipient name. We accept no liability for delivery to an incorrectly supplied address or wrongly named person based on the information you provide. We do not use physical or email address for the purposes of unsolicted contact or spam.


If you live in the UK, you will not be subject to any additional customs duties or taxes – what you pay at checkout is what you pay in total.

For customers in EU countries, if the order value is under €150 (NOTE: shipping fees are calculated separately and are not included in the 150€ limit), we charge you the destination country VAT at checkout using IOSS – in other words, what you pay at checkout is what you pay in total. You will not be liable to pay any import duties, VAT or fees on delivery. Orders under €150 also benefit from quicker customs clearance, leading to faster delivery times. If for any reason local customs charge any fees upon delivery, or there are any other problems, please contact us.

For orders with a value over €150 or to businesses (trade orders) to EU countries, we do not charge VAT at checkout. However, you may be liable to pay possible import duties, VAT and handling fees on delivery.

For international orders outside of the EU (i.e. the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand), while we do not currently charge VAT, we cannot guarantee that you will not be charged import duties, VAT and handling fees.